Publications List as of Feb 6, 2025
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Publications List as of Feb 6, 2025
NIH PubMed Central numbers (PubMed) provide free online access:
Kulis, S.S., Jager, J., Ayers, S.L., & Ignacio, M. (2025). Ecodevelopmental influences on latent classes of substance use among urban American Indian adolescents, Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse,
Ayers, S. L., Wu, S., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2024). Assessing unmet social and medical needs among Latinx in Arizona throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: Time-varying patterns by social determinants of health. Journal of Racial & Ethnic Health Disparities. Advance online publication.
Boby, M., Oh, H., Marsiglia, F., & Liu, L. (2024). Bridging social capital among Facebook users and COVID-19 cases growth in Arizona. Social Science & Medicine, 360. Advance online publication.
García-Pérez, H., Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., & Estabrooks, P. A. (2024). Urban violence, migration and alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use among transnational students in northern Mexico. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(1), 43.
Hoffman, S., Black, A., Ward, K., Bennion, A., Wood, D., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2024). Parent–child conflict and adolescent health literacy in Mexico: Results from a nationwide dyad study in Mexico. Global Public Health, 19(1).
Kulis, S. S., Tsethlikai, M., Ayers, S. L., & Gresenz, K. E. (2024). Parenting in 2 Worlds: Testing improved parent-adolescent communication about sexuality in urban American Indian families. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 34, 56-68.
Hoffman, S., Croft, J., Wood, D. S., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2024). The impact of parental suicide stigma on youth suicide stigma in Mexico. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.
López Saucedo, M. R., Marsiglia, F. F., Gonzalez Lizárraga, M. G., & Arreola Romero, F. G. (2024). Feasibility of an addictive substances prevention program for high school students in Sonora [Factibilidad de un programa preventivo del consumo de sustancias adictivas en estudiantes de secundaria de Sonora]. Región y Sociedad, 36, e1878.
Marsiglia, F. F., Campos, A. P., Wu, S., Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L., García-Pérez, H., & Glick, J. E. (2024). Exploring the association between educational aspirations and intentions to migrate among youth in central Mexico by gender. International Journal of Social Welfare, 33, 3, 579-590.
Marsiglia, F. F., Huang, C.-K., Williams, J. H., Munyuwiny, S., Makunyane, L., Molobe, D. I., Freeman, R., Kulis, S. S., Ogbonnaya, I., & Lightfoot, E. (2024). Substance use among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa by subregion: A narrative review of epidemiological data. African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 12, 80-102.
Marsiglia, F., Oh, H., León, T., & Gonzalez, E. (2024s). Reaching vulnerable & underserved communities in the U.S. Southwest through a successful COVID-19 community-academic partnership. American Journal of Public Health, 114(S5), S388- S391. Advance online publication.
Martinez, G. M., Vega-López, S., Ayers, S., Gonzalvez, A., Bruening, M., Vega-Luna, B., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2024). Associations between parent–adolescent health-related conversations and mealtime media use among Hispanic families. Families, Systems, & Health, 42(2), 226-238.
Medina-Mora, M. E., Kulis, S. S., Real, T., Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L., Corona, M. D., Cutrín, O., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2024). The impact of major earthquakes on students’ emotional distress and internalizing symptoms, externalizing behaviors, and coping during the implementation of keepin’ it REAL-Mexico. Prevention Science, 25, 256-266.
Oh, H., Marsiglia, F. F., Pepin, S., Ayers, S. L., & Wu, S. (2024). Health behavior and attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic among vulnerable and underserved Latinx in the Southwest USA. Prevention Science, 25, 279-290.
Ogbonnaya, I. N., Nantongo, M., Naigino, R., Marsiglia, F. F., Stockman, J. K., Nakigudde, J., Wanzenze, R. K., Wechsberg, W. M., & Kiene, S. M. (2024). The social, cultural, and health context of controlling behavior and emotional intimate partner violence among adolescent girls and young women living with human immunodeficiency virus in Uganda: A qualitative study. Women's Health, 20,
Okamoto, S. K., Okamura, K. H., Marshall, S. M., Chin, S. K., Carson, A. B., An, K. J., Song, S. D., Saladino, P. A., Prado, G., & Kulis, S. S. (2024). Examining implementation determinants of a culturally grounded, school-based prevention curriculum in rural Hawai‘i: A test development and validation study. Implementation Research and Practice, 5, 1-15.
Marsiglia, F., Oh, H., León, T., & Gonzalez, E. (2024s). Reaching vulnerable & underserved communities in the U.S. Southwest through a successful COVID-19 community-academic partnership. American Journal of Public Health, 114(S5), S388- S391. Advance online publication.
Zhang, S., Marsiglia, F. F., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Adolescents’ substance use initiation and transitions across alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs: A survival analysis approach. Families in Society, 105, 539-550.
Ayers, S. L., Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., Campos, A. P., & Medina-Mora, M. M. (2023). Keepin’ It REAL – Mantente REAL in Mexico: Longitudinal examination of youth drug resistance strategies and substance use among early adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73(3), 412-420.
Cutrín, O., MacFadden, I., Marsiglia, F. F., & Kulis, S. S. (2023). Social validity in Spain of the Mantente REAL prevention program for early adolescents. Journal of Prevention, 44, 143-164.
Garcia-Perez, H. M., Marsiglia, F. F., & Kulis, S. S. (2023). Construyendo una cultura paz en el noroeste de México: el caso del programa de prevención Mantente REAL [Building a culture of peace in northern Mexico: the case of the Mantente REAL prevention program]. Población y Salud en Mesoamérica, 21(1).
Hernandez, C., Marsiglia, F. F., Oh, H., Campos, A. P., & De La Rosa, K. (2023). Community health workers as puentes/bridges to increase COVID-19 health equity in Latinx communities of the southwest U.S. Journal of Community Health, 48(3), 398-413.
Huang, C. K., Wu, S., Marsiglia, F. F., & Campos, A. P. (2023). Association between community attachment and prescription drug misuse among American Indian adolescents in Arizona. Societies, 13(4), 79.
Kulis, S. S., & Harthun, M. (2023). Intervenciones familiares de adaptación cultural para poblaciones indígenas: El programa Parenting in 2 Worlds para indígenas americanos urbanos como ejemplo [Culturally adapted family interventions for indigenous populations: The Parenting in 2 Worlds program as an example]. In C. Orte, F. F. Marsiglia, & J. Amer (Eds.). Programas de familias para la comunidad: Buenas prácticas en implementación de intervenciones basadas en la evidencia (pp. 57-75). Barcelona, Spain: Ediciones Octadero.
Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., Cutrín, O., Munyuwiny, S., Huang, C., Gresenz, K., & Campos, A. P. (2023). Feasibility, acceptability and utility of the evidence-based keepin’ it REAL prevention program for early adolescents in Kenyan schools. African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 9, 41-59.
Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S. S., Munyuwiny, S., Cutrín, O., Gresenz, K., Osir, O., & Huang, C. (2023). A pilot study of an evidence-based prevention intervention (keepin’ it REAL) for early adolescents in Kenyan schools. Journal of Studies of Alcohol and Drugs, 84(1), 45-50.
Marsiglia, F. F., Wu, S., Han, S. Y., Nuño-Gutierrez, B. L., García-Pérez, H., Yabiku, S. T., & Glick, J. E. (2023). Migration intentions and alcohol use among adolescents in west-central Mexico: A Propensity Score Matching analysis approach. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 40(1), 119-130. [PubMed: PMC7997793]
Sheehan, C. M., Louie, P., Li, L., & Kulis, S. S. (2023). Exposure to neighborhood poverty from adolescence through emerging adulthood and sleep duration in US adults. Health and Place, 81, 103004.
Shen, F. L., Shu, J., Lee, M., Oh, H., Li, M., Runger, G., Marsiglia, F. F. & Liu, L. (2023). Evolution of COVID-19 Health Disparities in Arizona. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 25, 862-869.
Cutrín, O., Arévalo Avalos, M., Corona, D., Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L., Medina-Mora, M. E., Real, T., Mendoza-Meléndez, M. A., Lara-Valencia, F., Ayers, S. L., Kulis, S. S., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2022). El uso de violencia como una estrategia de los adolescentes tempranos para resistir ofrecimientos de drogas en las ciudades mexicanas [Use of violence as a strategy of early adolescents to resist drug offers in Mexican cities]. Revista Mexicana de Psicología, 39(1), 18-30.
Cutrín, O., Maneiro, L., Chowdhury, Y., Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., & Gómez-Fraguela, J. A. (2022). Longitudinal associations between parental support and parental knowledge on behavioral and emotional problems in adolescents: A mediation model. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(6), 1169-1180. [PubMed: PMC9090879]
Libbisch, C. A., Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S. S., Cutrín, O., Gómez-Fraguela, J. A., & Ruiz, P. (2022). The role of peer pressure in adolescents’ risky behaviors. In M. V. Alves, R. Ekuni, M. J. Hermida, & J. Valle-Lisboa (Eds.), Cognitive sciences and education in non-WEIRD populations (pp. 115-133) Springer.
Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S. S., Cutrín, O., Medina-Mora, M. E., Real, T., Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L., Corona, M. D., Mendoza-Meléndez, M. A., Gresenz, K., & Alcala-Calvillo, D. (2022). The feasibility, acceptability, and utility of Mantente REAL: the culturally adapted version of keepin’ it REAL for Mexico. Prevention Science, 23, 1483-1494.
Nagoshi, J. L., Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., & Piña-Watson, B. (2022). Accounting for linguistic acculturation, coping, antisociality and depressive affect in the gender role-alcohol use relationship in Mexican American adolescents: A moderated mediation model for boys and girls. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 21(2), 499-521. [PubMed: PMC7762740]
Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L., Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S. S., & Cutrín, O. (2022). Roles de género tradicionales en la familia y su implicación en la prevención de sustancias en adolescentes [Traditional gender roles in the family and adolescent substance use prevention]. In B. L. Nuño-Gutiérrez (Ed.), Salud, violencia, drogas y narcotráfico. Observación desde el Occidente de México (pp. 117-138). Universidad de Guadalajara Press.
O'Donnell, R., Rolfes, J., Wu, S., Abdalla, M., Marsiglia, F. F., Mei, P., Pham, L., Senanuch, P., Bhatarasakoon, P., Savuon, K., Koy, V., Tao, H., & Kessler, R. (2022). Evaluating the gap of integrated behavioral health programs for NCDs in China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Asian Journal of Health Sciences, 8(1), ID39.
Oh, H., Kim, M., Kim, J., Choi, H., Kim, H. S., Holley, L., & Kweon, O.-Y. (2022). Lack of continuity of care experienced by people diagnosed with schizophrenia in South Korea. Health & Social Care in Community, 30(3), e760-e769.
Zhu, Y., Wu, S., Marsiglia, F.F., Wu, Q., & Chen, Q. (2022). Adaptation and validation of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire for Chinese adolescents. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(4), 1363-1372.
Cano, M. A., Marsiglia, F. F., Meca, A., De La Rosa, M., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Sánchez, M., Colón Burgos, J. F., Alamilla, S. G., Wuyke, G., Parras, D., Ali, S. Z., Forney, D. J., Varas-Rodríguez, E., Ruvalcaba, Y., Contreras, A., Ahmed, S., Vega-Luna, B., Ochoa, L. G., Cuadra, R., & Domínguez García, M. J. (2021). Psychosocial stress, bicultural identity integration, and bicultural self-efficacy among Hispanic emerging adults. Stress and Health, 37, 392-398. [PubMed: PMC8012397]
Cutrín, O., Kulis, S. S., Ayers, S. L., Jager, J., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2021). Perception of parental knowledge by parents and adolescents: Unique effects on recent substance use in a Latinx sample. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 9(3), 189-203.
Cutrín, O., Kulis, S. S., Maneiro, L., MacFadden, I., Navas, M. P., Alarcón, D., Gómez-Fraguela, J. Villalba, C., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2021). Effectiveness of the Mantente REAL program for preventing alcohol use in Spanish adolescents. Psychosocial Intervention, 20(3), 113-122.
Cutrín, O., Maneiro, L., Navas, M. P., & Gómez-Fraguela, J. A. (2021). Prevención de drogas e utros comportamentos problemáticos na adolescencia: o programa Mantente REAL en Galicia [Prevention of drug use and other problem behaviors in adolescence: The Mantente REAL program in Galicia. Revista Galega de Educación, 79, 66–68.
Kulis, S. S., Garcia-Pérez, H. M., Marsiglia, F. F., & Ayers, S. L. (2021). Testing a culturally adapted youth substance use prevention program in a Mexican border city: Mantente REAL. Substance Use and Misuse, 56(2), 245-257.
Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., Medina-Mora, M. E., Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L., Corona, M. D., & Ayers, S. L. (2021). Keepin’ it REAL – Mantente REAL in Mexico: A cluster randomized controlled trial of a culturally adapted substance use prevention curriculum for early adolescents. Prevention Science, 22(5), 645-657.
Liu, M., Sun, F., Zhang, Z., Jiang, G., Marsiglia, F. F., & Pantovich, T. (2021). Enhancing field education of social work in mainland China: Perspectives from students and faculty members. China Journal of Social Work, 14(3), 324-341.
Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S. S., & Lechuga-Peña, S. (2021). Diversity, oppression and change: Culturally grounded social work (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
Wu, S., Yao, M., Deng, C., Marsiglia, F. F., & Duan, W. (2021). Social isolation and anxiety disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 294, 10-16. [PubMed: PMC8609130]
Wu, S., Zhu, B., Zhu, Y., Chen, W., Chen, Y., & Zhang, L. (2021). 我国青少年药物滥用危害、原因和对策研究进展:基于1996-2020中文文献的系统综述 [Research on the effects, causes, and countermeasures of Chinese youth illicit drug use: A systematic review (1996-2020)]. Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence, 30(2), 97-105.
Zhang, S. Wu, Q., Durkin, D., Marsiglia, F. F. (2021). Adolescent drug use initiation and transition into other drugs: A retrospective longitudinal examination across race/ethnicity. Addictive Behaviors, 113, 106679.
Zhu, B., Wu, S., Chen, W., Chen, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhu, Y. (2021). 中国青少年毒品使用研究现
综述 [Illicit drug use among youth in China (1996-2020): A systematic review]. Journal of East China University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), 36(1), 76-98. [In Chinese]
Bo, A., Wu, S., Chen, D., Marsiglia, F., Zhu, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhu, B. (2020). Understanding alcohol-specific antecedents among Chinese vocational school adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 110, 106483.
Cobb, C. L., Schwartz, S. J., Salas-Wright, C. P., Pinedo, M., Martinez, P., Meca, A., Garcia Isaza, A., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., McClure, H., Marsiglia, F. F., Martinez, Jr., C. R., & Cano, M. A. (2020). Alcohol use severity, depressive symptoms, and optimism among Hispanics: Examining the immigrant paradox in a serial mediation model. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76 (12), 2329-2344. [PubMed: PMC7777419]
Cutrín, O., MacFadden, I., Ayers, S. L., Kulis, S. S., Gómez-Fraguela, J. A., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2020). Applicability of the theory of planned behavior for predicting alcohol use in Spanish early adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8539. [PubMed: PMC7698639]
Molobe, I. D. Odukoya, O. O., Isikekpei, B. C., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2020). Migrant communities and the COVID-19 response in sub-Saharan Africa. Pan African Medical Journal, 35(2), 17. [PubMed: PMC7875749]
Oh, H., & Park, S. K. (2020). Gender and stress-buffering of social capital toward depression among precarious workers in South Korea. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 66(1), 53-62.
Salas-Wright, C., Vaughn, C., Goings, T. Oh, T., Marsiglia, F. F., Cohen, M., John, R., Andrade, P. & Schwartz, S. (2020). Disconcerting rates of alcohol use among Venezuelan immigrant adolescents in the United States. Journal of Addictive Behaviors, 104, 106269. [PubMed: PMC7024036]
Shi, Y., Sun, F., Liu, Y., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2020). Perceived threat of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias among older Chinese Americans in subsidized housing: Through a cultural lens. Dementia, 19(6), 1777-1793.
Wu, S., Marsiglia, F., Ayers, S., Cutrín, O., & Vega-López, S. (2020). Familial acculturative stress and adolescent internalizing and externalizing behaviors in Latinx immigrant families of the Southwest. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22, 1193-1199. [PubMed: PMC7686063]
Cutrín, O., Maneiro, L., Navas-Sánchez, M. P., & Gómez-Fraguela, J. A. (2019). Estudio piloto Mantente REAL en Galicia: Un programa de prevención de drogas y otras conductas problemáticas en la adolescencia [Keepin´ it REAL pilot study in Galicia: A prevention program of substance abuse and other problematic behaviors in adolescence]. In Libro de Capítulos del IV Congreso Nacional de Psicología e International Symposium on Psychological Prevention (pp. 9–15). Spain: Consejo General de la Psicología.
Feldman, J., Kaur, K., Serebrisky, D., Rastogi, D., C. Marsiglia, F. F., & Arcoleo, K. (2019). The Adaptive effect of illness-specific panic-fear on asthma outcomes in Mexican and Puerto Rican Children. The Journal of Pediatrics, 214, 178-186. [PubMed: PMC7703716]
Gao, X., Sun, F., Marsiglia, F. F., & Dong, X. (2019). Elder mistreatment among older Chinese Americans: The role of family cohesion. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 88(3), 266-285.
Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L., Corona-Lozano, M. D., Mendoza-Meléndez, M. A., Kiehne, E., Jager, J., Ayers, S. L., & Han, S. (2019). Reciprocal effects of alcohol use and violence perpetration among early adolescents in Mexico: A gendered analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(8), 1519–1531. 10.1007/s10964-019-01014-1 [PubMed: PMC6640098]
Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., Porta, M., Arévalo Avalos, M. R., & Ayers, S. L. (2019). Testing the keepin’ it REAL substance use prevention curriculum among early adolescents in Guatemala City. Prevention Science, 20(4), 532-543. [PubMed: PMC6520179]
Marsiglia, F. F., Alarcón, D., Kiehne, E., Ayers, S. L., & Kulis, S. S. (2019). School connectedness, educational aspirations, academic performance, and alcohol use In Uruguay. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 6(3), 276-285.
Marsiglia, F. F., Medina-Mora, M. E., Gonzalvez, A., Alderson, G., Harthun, M. L., Ayers, S. L., Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L., Corona, M. D., Mendoza, M. A., & Kulis, S. S. (2019). Binational cultural adaptation of the keepin’ it REAL substance use prevention program for adolescents in Mexico. Prevention Science, 20(7), 1125-1135. [PubMed: PMC6721982]
Okamoto, S. K., Kulis, S. S., Helm, S., Chin, S. K., Hata, J., Hata, E., & Lee, A. (2019). An efficacy trial of the Ho'ouna Pono drug prevention curriculum: An evaluation of a culturally grounded substance abuse prevention program in rural Hawai‘i. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 10(3), 239-248. https\\ [PubMed: PMC7213509]
Kulis, S. S., Booth, J. M., & Becerra, D. (2018). Estrategias de resistencia al consumo de drogas en adolescentes mexicanos: el rol del género [Drug resistance strategies of Mexican adolescents: the role of gender]. In C. O. Socias & R. P. Gordaliza (Eds.), Género, adolescencia y drogas: Prevenir el riesgo desde la familia, (pp. 37-54). Barcelona: Octaedro.
Kulis, S. S., Marsiglia, F. F., Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L, Lozano, M. D., & Medina-Mora, M. A. (2018). Traditional gender roles and substance use behaviors, attitudes, exposure and resistance among early adolescents in large cities of Mexico. Journal of Substance Use, 23(5), 471-480. [PubMed: PMC6350823]
Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S. S., Kiehne, E., Ayers, S. L., Libisch, C. A., & Barros, L. (2018). Adolescent substance use prevention and legalization of marijuana in Uruguay: A feasibility trial of the keepin’ it REAL prevention program. Journal of Substance Use, 23(5), 457-465. 10.1080/14659891.2017.1358308
Hoffman, S., Marsiglia, F. F., Nevarez, L., & Porta, M. (2017). Health literacy among youth in Guatemala City. Social Work in Public Health, 32(1), 30-37.
Marsiglia, F. F., Ayers, S. L., & Ritland, C. C. (2017). Protective and risk factors for youth with high migration aspirations from Mexico to the United States: A human rights perspective. In M. E. Ramos Tovar (Ed.), Reconocimiento, Derechos Humanos e Intervención Social. Migrantes en el Noreste de México y Suroeste de Estados Unidos (pp. 151-176). Monterrey, México: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Press.
Martinez, M. J., Marsiglia, F. F., Ayers, S. L., & Nuño-Gutierrez, B. L. (2017). Mexican adolescents’ intentions to use drugs: Gender differences in the protective effects of religiosity. In J. Merrick (Ed.), Public Health Yearbook 2016 (pp. 251-264). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (Reprinted from “Mexican adolescents’ intentions to use drugs: Gender differences in the protective effects of religiosity,” 2016, International Public Health Journal, 8, 251-254.)
Hoffman, S., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2016). The impact of a substance use prevention program on the health literacy of youth in Guatemala City. International Journal of Social Science Research, 4(2), 1-7.
Huang, C., Yabiku, S. T., Ayers, S. L., & Kronenfeld, J. J. (2016). The obesity pay gap: gender, body size, and wage inequalities – a longitudinal study of Chinese adults, 1991-2011. Journal of Population Research, 33(3), 221-242.
Jiang, G., Sun, F., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2016). Rural-urban disparities in adolescent risky behaviors: A family social capital perspective. Journal of Community Psychology, 44(8), 1027-1039.
Kulis, S. S., Booth, J. M., & Becerra, D. (2016). Drug resistance strategies of early adolescents in Mexico: Gender differences in the influence of drug offers and relationship to the offeror. Substance Use and Misuse, 51(3), 370-382. [PubMed: PMC4856063]
Marsiglia, F. F. (2016). Youth substance use prevention interventions: Opportunities and challenges [Editorial]. Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones, 2(2), 1-2.
Martinez, M. J., Kawam, E., Marsiglia, F. F., Wright-Salas, C., Ayers, S. L., Porta, M. (2016). School connectedness Guatemalan youth substance use in: Does gender matter? Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 3(4), 185-198.
Martinez, M. J., Marsiglia, F. F., Ayers, S. L., & Nuño-Gutierrez, B. L. (2016). Mexican adolescents’ intentions to use drugs: Gender differences in the protective effects of religiosity. International Public Health Journal, 8, 251-254.
Sun, A. P., Chen, Y. C., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2016). Trauma and Chinese heroin users. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Use, 15(2), 144-59.
Burnette, D., & Sun, F. (2015) Global aging in the twenty-first century: Prospects, challenges and directions for action. In B. Berkman & S. D’Ambruoso (Eds.), Handbook of social work in health & aging (pp. 575-583). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Flores, Y. N., Shaibi, G.Q., Morales, L. S., Salmerón, J., Skalicky, A. M., Edwards, T.C., Gallegos-Carrillo, K., & Patrick, D. L. (2015). Perceived health status and cardiometabolic risk among a sample of youth in Mexico. Quality of Life Research, 24(8), 1887-1897. [PubMed: PMC4497859]
García‐Pérez, H., & Merino, M. (2015). La toma del Papanicolaou en población indígena migrante en el noroeste de México: El caso del programa “Dile a una amiga.” [Letters to the editor] [Getting a Pap smear in the migrant indigenous population in northwestern Mexico: The case of the program "Tell a Friend."]. Salud Pública de México, 57(1), 1‐2.
Glick, J. E., & Yabiku, S. T. (2015). A moving paradox: A binational view of obesity and residential mobility. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17(2), 489-497.
Hoffman, S., Marsiglia, F. F., & Ayers, S. L. (2015). Religiosity and migration aspirations among Mexican youth. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 16(1), 173-186. [PubMed: PMC4315225]
Hoffman, S., Marsiglia, F. F., Lambert, M. C., & Porta, M. (2015). A psychometric assessment of the newest vital sign among youth in Guatemala City. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior, 3(2), 1-4.
Marsiglia, F. F, & Booth, J. (2015). Cultural adaptation of interventions in real practice settings. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(4), 423-432. [PubMed: PMC4512185]
Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S., Booth, J. M., Nuño-Gutierrez, B. L., & Robbins, D. E. (2015). Long-term effects of the keepin’ it REAL model program in Mexico: Substance use trajectories of Guadalajara middle school students. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 36(2), 93-104. [PubMed: PMC4503325]
Martinez, M., Marsiglia, F. F., Ayers, S. L., & Nuño-Gutiérrez, B. L. (2015). Substance use, religion and Mexican adolescent intentions to use drugs. In B. Friedman & J. Merrick (Eds.). Public health, social work and health inequalities (pp. 131-146). New York: Nova Publishers.
Becerra, D., Castillo, J., Ayón, C., & Blanchard, K. N. (2014). The moderating role of parental monitoring on the influence of peer pro-drug norms on alcohol and cigarette use among adolescents in Mexico. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23(5), 297-306.
Booth, J. M., Marsiglia, F. F., Nuño-Gutierrez, B. L., & Garcia-Pérez, M. (2014). The association between engaging in romantic relationships and Mexican adolescent substance use offers: Exploring gender differences. Substance Use & Misuse, 49(11), 1480-1490.
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