Rapid Model

Through a partnership between ASU, the Equality Health Foundation and Helping Families in Need, they developed the RAPID model to offer testing and COVID-19 related services for vulnerable and underserved communities throughout Arizona. 


The RAPID intervention model, which stands for Respectful, Action-oriented, Proactive, Inclusive and Direct-Resources, follows four phases which have been successfully implemented in over 60 communities, servicing over 7,000 individuals across Arizona.


The population serviced through this model was 49% uninsured, 69% had a high school education or less and 57% were surveyed in Spanish. The bilingual community health workers were an important resource in reaching underprivileged communities, offering vital support and resources.


Phase 1: Communities are first identified through publicly available data that showcases a high positivity rate and a lack of access to local testing services. 


Phase 2: Once identified, researchers partner with local partners such as churches, social services, etc to promote and plan testing events.


Phase 3: The community is invited in and community health workers administer noninvasive saliva-based COVID-19 tests. These samples are then sent to researchers at ASU who post the results within 24-48 hours.


Phase 4: Community health workers then follow up with patients to ensure they receive their results and offer social services for food and housing assistance and offer guidance through isolation periods.
