Research Projects

Adaptation of keepin’ it REAL to the Spanish context: Mantente REAL

image of map

Location(s): Europe, Spain
Target Population:
The target sample consisted of 9th graders attending two randomly selected experimental and two control schools (N ≈ 270)
Project Team:

Flavio F. Marsiglia, PhD
David Alarcón Rubio, PhD

Project Status: Completed

In collaboration with the University Pablo de Olavide of Seville Spain, GCAHR has culturally adapted the   keepin’ it REAL curriculum in southern Spain. Students came from four secondary public schools in the province of Sevilla; all schools were selected from low socio-economic neighborhoods with a strong Roma (gipsy) and recent immigrant representation.

Prevention of substance abuse and consumption on adolescents

Experimental and control schools, sample surveys qualitative and quantitative approaches and focus groups.