Taiwan/China Heroin Recovery Project

Chinese heroin addicts in recovery in Taiwan and in mainland China
An-Pyng Sun, PhD
Flavio F. Marsiglia, PhD
In partnership with the University of Nevada Las Vegas and Bali Psychiatric Center, Taipei, Taiwan, this project aims at gathering information about the recovery process and associate experiences of Chinese heroin addicts in recovery in Taiwan and in mainland China.
Trauma, heroin use, recovery resources
Interviews with adults (20 years or older) with heroin use disorders, recruited at substance abuse treatment centers.
The results showed that the recovering Chinese experience traumas prior to heroin-use onset and throughout their heroin-use career. Themes related to the traumas include the historical economic transition, the value of family orientation, an emphasis on scholarly pursuits, the shame orientation, and a scarcity of resources conducive to recovery.
Sun, A. P., Chen, Y. C., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2016). Trauma and Chinese heroin users. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Use, 15(2), 144-59. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332640.2015.1011732.